tinker-gpio是一个简单的基于node.js的库来帮助访问华硕Tinker Board(Debian Jessie)的GPIO。 它围绕内置的fs模块松散地建模。
It works with: - var gpio = require("tinker-gpio");
- gpio.open(16, "output", function(err) { // Open pin 16 for output
- gpio.write(16, 1, function() { // Set pin 16 high (1)
- gpio.close(16); // Close pin 16
- });
- });
复制代码 你可以帮忙做啥
Ways you can help:- - 查看拉请求并在tinkerboard上测试它们是否正确。
- - 报告错误。
- - 修复一个错误或添加一些功能都是非常好的,提交上来。
复制代码 关于引脚配置 这有一些令人困惑的地方。 DEMO板的物理引脚没有按照任何特定的逻辑顺序布置。 他们中的大多数都给出了它使用的Rockchip芯片的引脚名称(rk3288)。 Tinker Board引脚头和Rockchip芯片引脚的物理布局之间没有逻辑关系。 操作系统可以识别Rockchip芯片的名称与Tinker上的物理引脚布局无关。 为了更容易识别,按Rockchip芯片的规格书来搞几乎是不可能的!
这个库简化了所有这些(希望),通过提取掉瑞芯微芯片的细节。 您只需要参照修补程序板上物理引脚布局上的引脚。 以下为引脚排列。 所有标有“GPIO”的引脚均可与此库一起使用,使用如下的引脚编号。
P1 - 3.3v | 1 | 2 | 5v | I2C SDA | 3 | 4 | -- | I2C SCL | 5 | 6 | Ground | GPIO | 7 | 8 | TX | -- | 9 | 10 | RX | GPIO | 11 | 12 | GPIO | GPIO | 13 | 14 | -- | GPIO | 15 | 16 | GPIO | -- | 17 | 18 | GPIO | SPI MOSI | 19 | 20 | -- | SPI MISO | 21 | 22 | GPIO | SPI SCLK | 23 | 24 | SPI CE0 | -- | 25 | 26 | SPI CE1 | Model A+ and Model B+ additional pins | ID_SD | 27 | 28 | ID_SC | GPIO | 29 | 30 | -- | GPIO | 31 | 32 | GPIO | GPIO | 33 | 34 | -- | GPIO | 35 | 36 | GPIO | GPIO | 37 | 38 | GPIO | -- | 39 | 40 | GPIO |
That gives you several GPIO pins to play with: pins 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22 (with A+ and B+ giving 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38 and 40). 你应该提供这些物理的PIN号码给这个库,而不用在内部调用它们。 十分简单。
安装: 如果还没有,请在tinkerboard上获取node和npm。
- sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
复制代码 Tinkerboard的GPIO引脚要求您以root身份访问它们。 这是完全不安全的几个原因。 为了解决这个问题,你应该使用优秀的GPIO_API_for_C。
- wget http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/Linux/Tinker_Board_2GB/GPIO_API_for_C.zip
- unzip GPIO_API_for_C.zip
- cd GPIO_API_for_C/
- sudo chmod +x build
- sudo ./build
复制代码 Next, cd to your project directory and use npm to install tinker-gpio in your project.
open(pinNumber, [options], [callback])
Aliased to .export Makes pinNumber available for use. - pinNumber:可用的引脚号。 请记住,pinNumber是修补器上的物理针号。
- options: 应该是一个字符串,例如输入或输入上拉。 您可以指定引脚方向是输入还是输出(或输入或输出)。 您还可以通过选择上拉或下拉(或上或下)来设置内部上拉/下拉电阻。 如果没有提供选项,则默认为输出。 如果没有指定方向(输入或输出)(例如,只有向上),则方向默认为输出。
- callback: 当引脚可用时将被调用。 如果出现错误,可能会收到第一个参数的错误。
close(pinNumber, [callback])
Aliased to .unexport Closes pinNumber. - pinNumber: The pin number to close. Again, pinNumber is the physical pin number on the Tinker.
- callback: (Optional) Will be called when the pin is closed. Again, may receive an error as the first argument.
setDirection(pinNumber, direction, [callback])Changes the direction from input to output or vice-versa. - pinNumber: As usual.
- direction: Either input or in or output or out.
- callback: Will be called when direction change is complete. May receive an error as usual.
getDirection(pinNumber, [callback])Gets the direction of the pin. Acts like a getter for the method above. - pinNumber: As usual
- callback: Will be called when the direction is received. The first argument could be an error. The second argument will either be in or out.
read(pinNumber, [callback])Reads the current value of the pin. Most useful if the pin is in the input direction. - pinNumber: As usual.
- callback: Will receive a possible error object as the first argument, and the value of the pin as the second argument. The value will be either 0 or 1 (numeric).
Example:- gpio.read(16, function(err, value) {
- if(err) throw err;
- console.log(value); // The current state of the pin
- });
复制代码 write(pinNumber, value, [callback])Writes value to pinNumber. Will obviously fail if the pin is not in the output direction. - pinNumber: As usual.
- value: Should be either a numeric 0 or 1. Any value that isn't 0 or 1 will be coerced to be boolean, and then converted to 0 (false) or 1 (true). Just stick to sending a numeric 0 or 1, will you? ;)
- callback: Will be called when the value is set. Again, might receive an error.
运行测试: npm install && npm test你已所在的地方。
这个模块被创建,tinkerboard git 提交了和npm发布了所有这些!
The Tinker rocks!